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Benjamin Abenduct arrives in Oslo


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Flying over the Atlantic to start my career in the VHL Europe league I was very nervous. When I got to Oslo, Norway and my lodging for my Europe career it finally set in that I made it up a level in the journey to the VHL. Once I arrived, the staff for the Storm helped get me situated as well as showed me the facilities as well as places of interest around the area. I had made sure to come early so I could explore Oslo more to get a lay of the area and just enjoy.


Going into the offseason from VHL Minors, I worked on shoring up my defensive skills as well as puck handling. I did a lot of skating around the rink trying to get better at my motions so I can adjust on the fly better during a game. I also did some strength training to help take hits and keep the puck in my possession so I can keep the play going for the team.


I have no expectations for this season, my goal is to learn as much as possible from my teammates and other players in the league. I had a good season in VHL Minors, and I do want to continue it but I understand that this isn’t the minors anymore and the talent level is even better.  I would like to average at least half a point a game this season, maybe even get enough to finish top 5 in points for all defensemen. Even if I don’t achieve those as long as I learn and keep improving my game and myself the season will be a success in my book.


For the team, we have a talented group of players anchored by the #1 pick of the VHL draft Antonia Bucatini. Antonia Bucatini as well as Chris Reynolds Jr and Miner vHLer, a great leader in the locker room, join me from the VHL Minors from the team I was on, Houston Bulls. I believe the talented group of players the Storm has assembled will work well together and we can get the Storm back to the VHL Europe playoffs and hopefully a chance for the championship. In my mind if we give it our all then we can’t be ashamed of however the season goes.


I am excited to play against my fellow teammates in VHL Minors as well. On top of that I and two other defensemen have entered a little rivalry on who will score the most points this season between the three of us. Lucy Leitner (@LucyXpher), Gul Dukat (@MSouthworth), and I decided that we will rank each other in Hits, Shots Blocked, and Points. Whoever has the best average ranking will be declared the Top Amigo of the Trio.

It is almost time to get ready and have some fun. Going to be a great season.

Edited by Schnee
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