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Samsayz I-Smell is playing for the Warriors in the Junior Showcase Tournament. The Warriors are the defending champions looking to repeat and have had an amazing draft this season. The team started off the season at 5-0 but ended in a 0-3 stretch. Opponents are jealous and thinking the Warriors having a slight slump is showing vulnerability. The truth is scary. Warriors GM have told the best players to not go overboard and let the other teams to get closer as the tourney would not be competitive if the Warriors kept playing like they started off. Even after the 0-3 ending to the last sim, the Warriors are 16-6-2 with 34 points. That is an amazing 7 points over 2nd place Steel, 8 points higher 3rd place Brigade and 15 points more than last place Royals. Other teams' players are touting their total points. The Warriors are team driven. What matters to the team is the most important stat - what is the record total points. The team will be playing like what real teams should play which is for each other. Please keep tabs as the team led by two amazing GMs are an art on ice.

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