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Inker Belle reviews draft destinations part 1 of ?

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 "Hi all you humans! My name is Inker Belle and I am an Inkling! I live in Inkopolis and I am so excited to play in the VHLM! So to show how excited I am, I think that a fun thing to will be to review each location of the teams I could be drafted to in the upcoming VHLM draft. Now I actually don't know much about these teams and thier players, but I think just talking about where each team is located in will be fun as well! I'll try to get to as many teams as I can within this short article. So let's get started:


 First place I will talk about is Houston where the Bulls are. I actually know what a bull is, and I think it is fascinating how humans were able to take such a large animal! But anyways, Houston looks like it is pretty warm, but I'm used to the heat as it gets pretty hot in Inkopolis. The state of Texas is absolutely huge as well, and it would take me forever to explore it all so I would just stick to exploring Houston and all it has to offer. I also heard your barbeque food is delicious, so I'm excited to try it!


 Next up is the San Diego Marlins, who I think have some pretty nice team colors. It's all fun and sun there from what I can see, with beaches and the sea and it reminds me so much of Inkopolis. Maybe I can get to Los Angeles on a visit from there in order to see some movie starts, but California looks pretty much as big of not bigger than Texas so maybe not. Still, if I went here I would not have to change my wardrobe as much so that would be a bonus!


 Changing it up to a place with a lot of snow during the winter, let's talk about the Ottawa Lynx. From what I understand, a Lynx is a type of cat, but I've never seen one myself. Are there a lot of them in Ottawa? I do think it's a pretty cool logo though. Anyways I heard that the winter in Ottawa can get pretty severe, but hey that just means I can finally have snowball fights! It doesn't really show that much in Inkopolis. Plus I really love wearing hoodies. I'm actually a bit fascinated that humans have different countries with different governments, as the leadership in Inkopolis is mostly all we have.



The final one I will talk about at least for now is the Mexico City Kings. I've tried a lot of Mexican food, so tasting some authentic stuff would be amazing. Plus a lot of the festivals and dancing they have look fun to be in, though I would have to learn a new language so people can understand me. Learning English was tricky already, but I'm sure I can manage. I think the climate here is pretty warm as well. Just give me some Spanish lessons and some tequila and I think I will have fun here.


 Alright humans that is all the teams I have time to talk about here. Depending on when the draft is i might make a sequel to this, but until then I'll see you all later and stay fresh!"

Edited by WildfireMicro
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inker sounds like a fun player to be in the same locker room with 😁 please make a sequel to this and possibly add a rating system 🤔 

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