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Eagles selected for WJC

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Roger Eagles was selected by Team Asia to participate in this years WJC as the backup to another great goaltender Soju. This was Roger's first exposure in the World Juniors and was trusted to start in 4 games.


"It was a great experience for sure, I got to learn a lot from Soju and got some ice time to really work on my game" Roger said " I think I actually got the only win in the group games, but that is nothing to take away from Soju as he also played amazing with some games he even faced up to 60+ shots. We knew we were underdogs and we just went out there to have fun and try to upset some teams"

Team Asia ended up winning in the Quarter finals vs Team USA but lost in the Semi-Finals to Team Europe who ended up putting up 67 shots.


" I think its a big accomplishment we made it to the Semi-Finals. No one expected us to even get that far" Roger says " Now my focus is flying back to Rome and prepping for the VHLE season. This tournament was a great pre-season preparation for what's to come in Rome as I will be going up against players with way more skill and experience then myself. It will be a good test to see where I am development wise"

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