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The Start of A Career For Ozzy Batty

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Ozzy Batty missed the opportunity to be drafted for the current season so he had to join a team as an undrafted free agent. Ozzy knew that he had the freedom to join whatever team he wanted to and that it would probably be just for 1 season as he will become a free agent and in the next draft. There is a chance he could be drafted by the team he signed with, but that is a 50-50 proposition, at best.


So where did he decide to go? Ozzy spent hours looking at each team. He texted, called and even video conferenced with his uncle Ozzy to figure out what to do. He looked at the roster for each team and tried to figure out where he would be in the team's scheme. After weighing it all out Ozzy chose to join the Mississauga Hounds. Why did he chose a team with no Centers? Well, that is the answer where they didnt have any Centers, so he knew he would get some ice time. He also felt like it was an opportunity to develop his skills and refine his ability to find the back of the net.


The season has started and 6 games that have been played and sadly the Hounds are struggling to find their rhythm. Ozzy has been trying to help them get those elusive victories, but the team still cant find out how to put the whole game together. Ozzy has 6 goals (out of a team total of 20) and 4 assists for a total of 10 points and 1 game winner. He also has an impressive 13.64% on shots. But, as stated before, these just have not been enough.


Ozzy has been seen hitting the ice early in the morning and staying late at night, trying to get better at what he does. We have seen him skating back and forth, trying to build up more speed, trying to hit the net from all over the ice, just doing everything to get better. 


We caught Ozzy after one of his late night sessions to ask what his thoughts about the season so far. "We are 1-5, so not much to hang our hat on. I need to figure out how to be able to win more games. Yes, we need more firepower, but we also need more help in from of our net to keep others from scoring. Until we do that, I dont see how things can improve." He was shocked to learn that he was doing well in the league scoring and point leaderboards. "So, I really dont care about that until we are winning. Single accolades dont mean much if we cant back it up with team success and hardware."


The youngster headed up the stairs to his 2nd story room as his day ended, the focus and drive is apparent on his face. How high this young man will go, who knows? But he knows that to get there will take hard work that he is willing to do. There are alot of positives and possibilities for this youngster and the sky is the limit of what he can achieve.


Word Count: 531  

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