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Bucatini Starts Out Hot

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Davos, Switzerland -- In her first season in the main VHL, rookie forward Antonia Bucatini wasn't quite sure what to expect. Especially given the talent all across today's VHL, she and Davos management were prepared for some growing pains, taking a few weeks into the season to determine how to get the most out of her skills in a new setting.


But nobody, least of all Bucatini, expected her to come out of the gate quite like this.


Through her first 10 games, Bucatini has already racked up 14 points, good for the top point total among rookies by 3 points clear of Riga's Lucy Leitner. Her 10 assists also aren't too far outside of the league's Top 10. Coupled with Grimgor Ironhide's 8 goals and 16 points over that same span, it's clear that Davos' first line has gotten something going.


"It's a lot easier to really start off hot when I've got guys like Grimgor and Carson [Walker, Jr.] really helping me out," Bucatini said after a recent game against Toronto. "When your linemates make everything look easy, then well, maybe it's going to end up easy for me too."


Thus far that hot start hasn't necessarily translated to wins, as Davos sits at 3-7-0 and tied for sixth in the European Conference. But this year was expected to be a rebuilding year anyway, Bucatini notes, and she hopes it's the springboard to success in the future.


"Good habits need to start somewhere, and I think it's really taking off," she added. "Maybe it won't mean wins this year, but I can guarantee you: What we're doing here is really going to pay dividends a year, two years down the road. Get in on the ground floor Davos fans, because we're only going up from here."

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