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The Lighthouse Keeper

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Reviewing! First off, very well done! When I played with Bratislava on my last char, I had a fun time using lighthouse imagery similar to what you used here so I will impart some of the things that I did to make it pop just a bit more! The lighthouse image you used was foggy, adding a little fog effect to the foreground could help just add that little bit of dimension that it needs! The jersey swap is very well done as well - tinker with the brightness of the logo by itself to kind of match it with the jersey colors as best as you can! (I'm colorblind just FYI) Like I said though, very well done! 8.5/10 (117 Words)

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Graphic Review because I’m an idiot and got a trivia question wrong.


At first glance, I noticed the player in an action pose and positioned at the center right of the graphic which gives him a good focal point.  I like the signature being good size and the font you chose makes the graphic easy to look at.  The background is really good as it adds some mystery with the lighthouse and the fog surrounding it and the player.  Everything blends in really good, making the graphic well designed.


On further inspection, I see the logo on the jersey to be centered, angled, and shaded appropriately.  It looks like it belongs on the jersey.  It goes well with the player and the contrast.  I like the graphic and see that you have some talent doing graphics.  The fog, clouds, shading, font selection, and placement of everything all contribute to a really good graphic.  Well done.


Score 10/10

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