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Just my opinion.

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It is that time of the week again where JCarson opens his mouth and probably says something to piss somebody off. If you haven’t figured it out by now, I am more often than not blunt about my opinions. This regularly gets me into trouble with others because most people do not like being told things in language that implies definitiveness. We tend to like things that leave room for the grey areas of life. 


The other side of things is that I don’t very often apologize for my opinion, I also don’t tend to care if you disagree, so go ahead. Anyway, that was a long intro to my next opinion. 


It is my opinion that everyone in the league should read the following media spot and think about what it says, provide feedback and or input to the overall conversation. Find the link attached to the media spot in question: 


Now before you even start, I am going to warn you that it is long and extremely detailed. Anyone who has limited experience in the league may get overwhelmed, never mind ignore that. If you are human and reading this, you should feel overwhelmed. There is a lot to unpack and some major implications to what is being discussed.  


I have been involved in several conversations where bits and pieces of the league's dynamics get discussed. Soe are specific situations, and some are broader theoretical topics but never have I been involved in a discussion that encompasses everything all at once. This article pulls up several areas of leagues “dirty laundry” and tries to address the stains that most of us just live with.  


Anyway, I don’t want to bias your thoughts but just encourage you to have them and share them. Good luck, it may take you a little while to get through this. 

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The linked article is fantastic and provides a lot of food for thought for anyone who cares to take the time to read it!  The opinion that everyone should read it is definitely one I agree with!

Also— and maybe this doesn’t need saying, but I’ll say it anyway— I’ve enjoyed reading your opinions and really appreciate that you put them out there, even if I haven’t always agreed 😅.  What’s not debatable is that you care about making this league and community a better place.  As someone who is still working through my first gen career and is still relatively new to the league/forum, I find it’s helpful and insightful to engage with your opinions as you bring experience, thoughtfulness, and a successful track record to the table with you.  So lest anyone get the wrong idea about some of our recent discussions, I just want to say that it’s precisely because I respect your opinions that I take the time to engage with them.  I’ve always come away with more to think about after reading you and those dialogues are a great opportunity to dive deeper into new ideas here that I may not have considered— there’s definitely a lot to learn and always new perspectives to consider.

All that to say, your contributions are very much appreciated so thank you for sharing them!  

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I am cut of a similar cloth when it comes to opinions. I am probably as refined as sledgehammer when stating them.


As to reading the article: I am waiting for the movie (jk, I started reading it but as you said it is a lot to unpack and I was not in the right state of mind to properly read (and understand) it) 

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