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Ozzy Batty...Thinking About the Future

Ozzy Batty

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Well, the season is getting ready to wind down and how do I feel about things so far? First off, I miss my family. Being able to video chat with them every day helps, but it doesn’t replace the smells that waft through the house when ma makes our tea, but I will go visit them after the season.

I have to admit I am really pleased with how things have gone for me personally, not so much for the team though. Yea, it looks like we are a solid lock for 3rd in the conference, but hey, who doesn’t want to be 1st? I know the playoffs is a different thing, we all start with the same record, but that is still a ways away yet.

I have been practicing…a lot. I mean, what else can I do? I can only play so much Football Manager before my eyes start to cross. Plus, there is something comforting about being on the ice. I still am not sue to all of the traveling, different hotel rooms, different meals, different teams to play against…and different arenas. But the one thing that stays the same is the ice…so that is my “quiet place”…at least for now.

The General Manager and Assistant have been helping me a lot and I cannot thank them enough. They have given me advice on how to get just a little bit faster and stronger, both of which will help me win those puck battles. I have been working on my shooting (of course) but also my passing. I want to be able to get the puck to a teammate if I don’t have a clean shot…and it seems to be paying off.

I am currently in the top 10 in points, goals and assists. That is just crazy! When I tell my parents, Dad always says the same thing….keep your feet on the ground but keep reaching for the stars. I know most of the time it isn’t “cool” for us youngsters to remember what our parents tell us…I mean..they are all clueless anyway right? But this, yea, this seems to be good advice. I need to get the guts to tell my Dad sometime. He needs to know that I do hear him. Someone told me that is the tagline of some dude called Kasey Kasum who used to do the American Top 40 countdown. I don’t know where Dad would have heard it, but I still think it is good advice.

So what do I do with my new-found notoriety? I try to hide in the shadows, haha. I mean, this is all so new to me. I guess I have to accept that I will get noticed putting up those kinds of numbers, but I didn’t come here to win personal awards, I want to win championships…and the better I am…the more I can help my team.

Anyway, I am being told that all of this means I will probably be a high draft selection in the next VHLM draft since I was a waiver signing for this season. I guess that comes with the territory…just feels odd. 

I think I will stay at my parent’s for a while after the season and watch the draft with them. I was told that I am going got need an agent as well…I don’t even know where to start with that! Guess it is time to talk to Dad about it…yea…he will know what to do.

Word Count: 580

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