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Talkin bout the VHLM and Bobandy


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Realized the .com I wrote had no relevance to the actual VHL, so trying to get that moved over to a different thread, ANYWAYS… I’m on my phone doing this at 4am, I’m suffering from Insomnia, hopefully I don’t piss too many people off with anything I say. I’m going to spit a bit about the VHLM here and how I see it right now.


The VHLM in my eyes needs a few changes. There’s obviously been a lot of talk around it with Theme Week, and this is not the reason why I’m leaving Houston. I feel teams are still able to pull off the boom/bust cycle if they want, they just build picks one season and meet minimum pick requirements the next season. Or some teams will go for a push and sell their future draft picks, to then be stuck with minimum pick requirements the next season.You can have a 2nd and two 4ths to meet pick minimum requirements, there wasn’t even an active 4th round in this season’s VHLM draft. It may not be intentional but it still can definitely happen. I don’t know if pick requirements should be necessary anymore, or maybe they just need to be touched up. VHLM GMs don’t like them to start with, so I think managing the way waivers are assessed and actually giving the VHLM enough players for three/four rounds to draft each season is key. Houston drafted 24oa and 25oa this season and pretty much every one after that went IA.

I understand number of members in the system/VHL are a thing to watch, but we had a lot of teams in the VHLM this season struggling to make a 6-4-1 roster. (Also why is a 6-4-1 roster the sweet spot? Why don’t we push for 9-6-2 rosters? I’m talking about the VHL.) I don’t have a proper solution, but my first instinct would be to assign waivers based on a few things that mostly everyone has already brought up: previous season standings, positional needs by priority, and of course don’t let recreates all join the same team, make them all spread out because we all know they are supposed to be better than 1st Gens. Maybe waivers should be designed in a way that splits up Recreates and 1st Gens into two groups, and then each group of players will be given out, follow their own priority list, I hope that makes sense. The VHLM commish team is amazing and always works well with us GMs so I’m sure something will happen soon enough. We’ve been talking about the waiver system in our private GM thread already all season now.

Now the best thing that could happen for me would be to make the minor system one league again. I don’t think the two minor leagues work anymore, they definitely worked for our Covid numbers, I think we need to figure out how to combine them again. Seems like the VHLM has been trying to figure out problems since the VHLE was introduced… but then again I joined the league right around that time, so what do I know, I could be so wrong!


Okay switching topics to talk about my player :) The VHL is extremely exciting right now for Randy Bobandy. Not only has he been hustling for most points on the team, Malmo has been in a dog fight with three other teams for the Victory Cup. It’s a close race but London and Toronto have been making this very hard with recently hot win streaks. Seattle has been hanging out at the top all season long and it is so hard to count them out of the conversation. Bobandy didn’t see much playoff success in Calgary so I’m really excited to see how he does in Malmo. Hopefully he can find his legs again and get these Nighthawks a deep playoff run.


I yapped so hard about the VHLM there jeez. Once again please don’t come at me if you don’t like what I’m saying, it’s all my opinions and my thoughts. I’m way too tired.

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