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An interview with Lionel Collberg

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Interviewer: Good morning everyone, welcome to the show. Today we have an exciting guest, one of the Victory Hockey Leagues' young defenders, Lionel Collberg.


Collberg: Happy to be here.


Interviewer: And we’re happy to have you on the show. It’s been a busy season for you we know, Do you mind if I start with a bit of a serious question?


Collberg: No, not at all. Go for it.


Interviewer: Last season you wore an A on your jersey, right? What was your reaction when you learned you wouldn’t wear one this season?


Collberg: Oh...Uh. It didn’t bother me much. Of course, It was a great honor to wear a letter on my jersey but we added a lot of great players this season and have a lot of leaders in the locker room, unfortunately not everyone can wear an A.


Interviewer: That’s a good mindset, and it’s probably nice for Chicago fans to learn that you all get along. Speaking of fans, do you believe they have played a role in your team's late-season success? I mean the Phoenix were sitting out of a playoff spot until recently.


Collberg: Without a doubt. The Chicago fans have come alive in these games, which motivates us to play our best.


Interviewer: I suppose that goes without saying, just look at the numbers you have put up this season. Seems like a breakout year for you, eh?


Collberg: I’d say so, but I’m not exactly where I want to be points-wise.

Interviewer: Oh? And what kind of numbers would you like to be putting up?


Collberg: Realistically, I’d like to be in the top ten for points among defenders. That’s my main goal for next season, roughly resembling Siyan Yasilievich’s career path.


Interviewer: Yasilievich?  It’s been a few seasons since we heard his name around the league. Is he one of your inspirations?


Collberg: He’s my biggest inspiration. I was a Davos fan growing up and watching that team with players like him and Mason Jones was great. An amazing era for Davos fans.


Interviewer: It really was. Looks like our time is almost up. Lionel, is there anything you’d like to say to Chicago fans or hockey fans in general?


Collberg: Hmm…Well, I said earlier that I don’t have as many points as I’d like. Don’t think that I’ve given up on this season. I’m not going home empty-handed. The Dausuke Kanou Trophy and the Continental Cup will be mine. 


Interviewer: Wow, that’s quite the claim! You heard it here folks, Collberg is coming for the cup. Thank you for your time, Lionel.

Word Count: 434

Claimed: July 1st 2024



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