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The rumor mill

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Moscow Menace is celebrating the championship, but meanwhile, the rumor mill in Moscow never stops pushing out fresh and juicy rumors.  Moscow Menace is facing trouble with the salary cap and two players, Richmond and Ruutu, are without a contract for next season. What makes things spicy is the fact that none of the players under a contract have an NTC in their deals. The icing on the cake is the fact that the first and second-overall picks of the S94 draft, Goncalves and Woods, are joining the roster for the upcoming season.  The likelihood for a serious roster shakeup is extremely likely in Moscow.


The rumor has it that Moscow Menace GM, Euron Leonidas, is looking into the possibility of signing all the players under a contract, but keeping a few of the players injured for much of the season. The hope is that the deals of those players who are injured would not count against the salary cap. To leave no room for speculation of foul play, Leonidas has reportedly promised to personally break "an arm or two" of the injured players to make sure they indeed are not able to play hockey anytime soon.


When heading towards the off-season, Moscow Menace is, without a doubt, perhaps one of the most interesting teams to follow: what will happen in Moscow? What kind of team is going to defend the championship next season?

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