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Inker Belle plays the VHL game

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 "Hey Inker, don't you have better things to do than play games?" Inker Belle's condo downstairs neighbor Jessica says as Inker passes by her with a video game in her hand "like say, talk to scouts and things like that?"


 "Oh yeah, but I've talked to plenty of scouts and there is plenty of time before the draft, so let me have some fun here!" Inker says, pouting a bit.


 "What game is that anyways?"


 "The new VHL game!" Inker smiles as she shows off the game cover "I'm going to make myself in the game and try to be the best player I can be in the career mode on a harder difficulty!"


 "Ohhh" Jessica says a bit uncertainly "well good luck with that"


 "Wait what do you mean by that?" Inker asks, her head tilting.


 "Ehh you'll see, don't worry about it right now. Have fun with it Inker!" Jessica waves her goodbye as she goes into her apartment. Inker stares at the door for a moment before shrugging and heading up the stairs up to her own apartment. A couple of hours later, Jessica heard loud cussing coming from Inkers apartment, and walked up there to see what was up.


 "Hey Inker, are you ok?" Jessica peaked into the apartment to see a fuming Inker standing in front of her TV.


 "No I'm not!" Inker yells, before trying to lower her voice "this *expletive* game keeps screwing me! No game has made me this upset before and I've played Elden Ring to the end!"


 "That's what I was trying to warn you about Inker" Jessica sighs, a hint of amusement in her voice " VHL on the hardest difficulty isn't just hard, it's completely unfair. Elden Ring is hard as well, but can be learned at least"


 "Well *expletive* it, I'm doing playing it for now" Inker says as she lays down on the couch and sighs "come on in if you want to" At that, Jessica walks into her apartment and sits down next to her "sorry that you have to see me like this..."


 "Ehh it's no problem" Jessica says as she pats Inker's tentacles gently "you should see me playing Dark Souls before I quit that game. Though I will say, I've never seen you that upset before, you've always seemed do happy-go-lucky."


 "I just hate things that are unfair" Inker says before she goes to grab something to drink "want anything? I got water, Dr.pepper, and fruit juice"


 "Just a water please" Jessica nods as Inker goes to grab them both some water bottles. When she comes back to the couch and starts drinking from her water bottle "you know I like challenging myself as I believe life is not fun without some sort of challenge, am I right?"


 "Yeah, but only if that challenge doesn't stress you out" Jessica says after taking a swig "maybe you should play something less stressful and relax, huh?"


 "...my animal crossing village needs me I guess, let me show you how I decorated my house there"


 "Sounds fun, I'd love to see it" Jessica smiles as Inker goes to turn the game on.

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