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Inker Belle forgot something

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"Hey Inker congratulations on getting drafted, but shouldn't you be getting ready?" Inker Belle's neighbor said to her after Inker invited her to enjoy some pizza and video games with her.


 "Getting ready for what?" Inker asks after a bite of pepperoni pizza "I already got drafted, and I don't visit the Legion for like a week or two"


 "Did you forget?" Jessica asks "you have a whole different draft in a few days! The Euro draft! You really have to start getting ready!"


 ".. what?" Inker asks before jumping up and gasping "oh no!! The Euro draft, somehow I completely forgot about that! I do have to get ready!"


 "Relax Inker, I'll help get you ready" Jessica says as she looks around the condo "besides, you'll have more time to do it tomorrow as well"


 "Oh right yeah" Inker says as she looks around for clothes to pack "hey Jessica have you ever been to Europe?"


 "I visited England on a school trip once, but that was it" Jessica shrugs "besides, there are a lot of different customs based on what country you go too, just visiting one of them is not a good way to get a gauge on all of them"


 "Yeah that makes me feel way less nervous" Inker sighs, rolling her eyes "guess I better keep eating and do some research" She says as she grabs both her phone and a breadstick.

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