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Player build and Sim output


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Odd by design 


When I started the build for Felicia Hardy, I decided that I would focus on a player who was first designed for defense. The goal was to focus on a player who was strong in defense and passing.  No sense stealing the puck if you can’t get it where it needs to go. It was a conscious decision to put as little as possible into the offensive stats.  Overall, I would say I am happy with how things have gone but I still feel a little odd when I look at the sim results. 


Our current sim output is very offensively minded, we track checking and shots blocked but those are relatively minor in the grand scheme of things.  So, a defensively minded player very often feels like they aren’t doing anything to contribute to the team.  A look at the index does provide a little more depth from a statistical basis but not a lot. So what is a defensively minded player to do.  


I expect the first thing defensively minded players do is give in to the pressure and add some TPE towards the scoring statistics.  They hope that this gives themselves a boost on the sim output and as such it will make them feel like they are contributing to the team. And to some degree this makes sense in the hybrid statistics era, If you are looking to build statistics like strength and passing at some point it is only efficient to build statistics that also include some scoring as well.   


The second thing I expect some player to do is get bored.  Honestly if you don’t feel you are contributing it will psychologically get more difficult to keep focused on building.  TPE starts to trail off and the player languishes in mediocrity.  


Lastly, I expect there are those players out there who are stubborn.  Who will push through and stick to the build that they wanted to begin with.  Either they will stop caring to look at the sim results to validate their player or they will start looking beyond the statistics and will find other ways to evaluate their player.  Either way they will continue building.  


Now what does this leave us with.  It would be nice if those who do the data collection could start adding additional information to look at, interceptions and turnovers would be a good start.  Giving the defensive players added information to look at to evaluate how their performance is could go a long way towards validating other build options.  It would add depth to the Defensive defensemen award and may finally allow for a defensively minder player to be selected as MVP.   


So those are my thoughts on how I have been building my player, how that has made me feel in relation to the sim output and my thoughts on one thing that could be done to change things.  Do I expect anyone to cater to my wishes and make changes, no I don’t.  Yet maybe one day we will see some changes in this direction. 

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I would love to see more stats added overall.  For a purely stats based league one would hope that almost every metric would be covered to give every game morr depth.  You could always read the "full game" output though it isn't very riveting as I am sure you are aware, but if the engine can spit that out, surely it can compile the numbers in a better way.


Still hoping that someday we can get player vs stats like plus minus when on the ice with another specific player, opposition and teammate.  Same with how many assists from a specific player or to.  Those kind of chemistry or rival stats.

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