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Ozzy B Checking In

Ozzy Batty

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Man, what a busy few weeks! I went back to Mississauga and got my old room back. I have a great view of the park near our practice arena. It is a corner room so it also is a little bit quieter than most of the other rooms in the complex. I like it that way. I like to have the time to read and unwind. I know most of my teammates like to go out at night to enjoy the nightlife where ever we may be. But for me, give me a quiet park and a good book…yea…that is what I enjoy.

Leaving home was tougher this time. I had met someone, a girl named Kelly. Well, she is not a “girl” per se. She is a student at the local university. She is studying to be a teacher. She loves literature, especially Shakespeare. I am not sure what will happen in this relationship, but I like talking to her. She lets me “nerd out” and enjoys talking to me about history. So that is another reason I like the quieter rooms, I can talk to her. We try to talk every day that I can, but sometimes the internet isn’t that good, so I write to her. I  think she is pretty special, so I guess we will see.

But back to the hockey! Well, I am not sure about how I should feel about this season. We started off really strong. We rocketed to the top of the Eastern Conference and it looked like we had a solid hold on it as the season progressed. But then we hit a tough patch have now dropped to 3rd. Now, it is only by 3 points, yea, the top of the conference is tight, but we have still dropped. I am hoping that we continue to keep it close. I mean, yea, if we end the season in 3rd place we would make the playoffs. But I think it would be awesome if we are able to win the conference on our way to the championship.

The reason I have mixed feelings about this, yea, it sucks that we have dropped to 3rd, but as the team’s position got worse, I started to get better. I didn’t want to spend another season in the VHLM to garner any personal accolades. But I am not going to lie, it is pretty cool to see your name up in the Leader Board. When it is coupled with team success, the personal success is like icing on the cake. 

So while I am enjoying seeing my personal success, I would gladly swap it for a couple of more team wins. I know we cant do that, but as far as I am concerned, it would be fine if that could happen.
I know the season isn’t over so there is still a lot of stuff that can happen. But I would prefer to get the team back on top of the conference before the season is over and then to make a run for that title! 

Yea, lots of hockey left to play so let’s make the best of it!

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