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Med in the Shadows - Theme Week


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Digging up a rookie took a little longer than I expected, but I found an interesting one.  This rookie is so much in the shadow, I’m not sure anyone is aware of this rookie, but currently ranked #3 in points leader for rookie, there might be something to it.  The rookie I’m talking about is Med.  @Med is a first gen player, although this is not Med’s first season playing hockey.  Med spent three seasons with Mississauga and one season with Ottawa in the VHLM, along with a season in the VHLE with Rome, before being called up to Prague in season 95.  Med is a first line center for the Phantoms, and is tied for second on the team in total points.


A deeper dive into Med’s history, I found that Med spent the first two seasons with Mississauga and was consistently producing a point every two games.  And then when Med went to Ottawa for a season, nothing changed with Med’s performance.  It was Med’s final season in the VHLM that Med went back to Mississauga and cracked the mediocrity while pounding out 90 points for the team and led the Mississauga Hounds to the Founders Cup.  This included a very good playoff performance by Med.


Last season, Med played consistently again and helped Rome make the playoffs but unfortunately Med did not contribute to any success for Rome as they were eliminated in four games.


During the first half of Med’s rookie season, Med is doing exactly what is asked by the Prague GM.  @Tetricide has placed Med in a responsible role of being first line center and Med has lived up to the task.  This has proven to be a success for Prague, who is in a rebuild season, as Med shares 3rd and 4th place with teammate Lazlo Holmes in total points as a rookie and 2nd on the team.  Given the history of Med’s playing style, one can expect Med to once again have a break out season and dominate the league in points.


Med was drafted 36th by the New York Americans, but spent too many seasons in the VHLM and VHLE to be locked into a contract with the Americans.  Med signed a free agency contract for two seasons with Prague.  Med’s contribution to the team is yet again another indicator that the signing was a good move for Tetricide.  Med is one of the top stick handlers on the team and when you add Med’s strength and defensive skills, it creates a well rounded player.


Wrapping up about Med, I reviewed Med’s TPE updates.  I’m not sure I have ever seen a player who is consistent with earning TPE like Med does.  Med has not missed a week of collecting TPE from practice nor from welfare.  I went back the entire career of Med and found that Med stayed in the lane!  There were only two times in Med’s career that Med claimed training camp tpe and then the VHLM graduation bonus.  Med did get involved in the beginning of the hockey career.  Med joined a press conference and claimed the tpe for that.  Other than that, Med is your base player who earns every week like clockwork.


If there are any recruiters reading this, you can use Med as a perfect example of someone who stays involved week in week out by adding welfare and practice.  And for a player who is in a tie for 3rd for points by a rookie, this is quite impressive.  Well done Med!!!


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