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The Villain is at it Again!


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The end of the season is just a few games away and there has been a dust up in the villain cave.  The Mad Villain, @Tate, has done an incredible job at Las Vegas, scoring over a point per game and making new friends on the team.  His presence has seemed to tame Manny Ceson, @dylanjj37, who has been a driving force for Las Vegas success this season.  Inside the cave has been a different situation; however, as the Villain has been in a tirade over a variety of things.


The Villain, who’s devious thoughts and works have questioned his sidekick Pinky on several occasions, most recently has demanded the cave get an upgrade.  A sneak peek into the villain cave revealed such atrocities as there were broken hockey sticks piled up on the floor of the laboratory.  Some sticks were splintered, while others were separated by what can only be described as a result of an unknown volatile substance that melted right through the stick.  Wooden sticks, carbon fiber, aramid, none of the material mattered.  All types of sticks were scattered about the cave.  On the wall, Pinky chalked in the results of The Villain’s demise.  Over 200 sticks have been destroyed.


In another section of the cave, there is what appears to be a stick manufacturing process with strips of aramid piled up next to carbon fiber shells and a couple of unknown materials.  Pinky once again has documented some clues on the wall with white chalk.  “Ti” and “75”, along with a slew of numbers and symbols.  On a shelf there was a small glass jar containing shiny cubed shaped objects, with a ☠️ symbol.  A diagram of a hockey stick on the wall indicating the application of layers of aramid wrapped around sprinkled “Re” and strands of “22”.  What was most revealing was the calculations of the power and speed of a hockey puck as it left a hockey stick.


The secret of the Villain’s next invention has been revealed.  The Villain is in the process of creating a hockey stick like no other.  The Villain appears to be mixing titanium and rhenium into the structure of the hockey sticks and the combination and mixture of the Kevlar along with carbon fibers has given Villain a secret weapon for his most famous creature, Mad Villain.  The puck leaves the stick at speeds of over 67 meters per second and the speed is not reduced at impact over 60 meters.  At the end of the calculations, Pinky chalked it all up in one word, “WOW.”


Finally, in the back room of the secret cave, there is a glass case, secured by chains and locks with a complete prototype of the hockey stick created by The Villain.  This stick has been designed and made for one player with one thing in mind.  The Villain plans on waiting for the Mad Villain to enter the VHL with his new team and he will dominate the ice by scoring goals from the other end of the ice.  Given the potential speed of a 150 mph puck, the VHL might need to invest in hockey nets and opponents may need to double up the pillows on their goalies.  And let’s hope The Villain does not create a stick for Manny Ceson also.


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