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The Oatmeal debate .....


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The Oatmeal debate.....


The question was asked last week or at least mentioned in a sarcastic comment about players taking about the Oat meals or cereal that they like to eat. After some thought, yup a full second later as my own sarcastic mind was like that is actually more interesting topic then the person in question actually might give it credit so here I am going to talk about what PMB would eat; Oat meal or Cereal?


Starting off with a disclaimer I guess that since I live in Japan now Oat meal isn`t really a thing and cereal is even questionable with cornflakes being the likely choice here. This actually makes me (not PMB) actually crave Oat meal and Cream of wheat as breakfast option. Not to mention I wasn`t a huge bacon fan when living in Canada but when you cannot get real bacon but once, maybe twice a year. It becomes heavenly and a must have!! I also drive an hour to eat Wendy`s so that I can have real chilly and “The Baconator” or spice Chicken burger that I used to take for granted when living in the CA. And here I go off topic again ….



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Cereal versus Oat meal ….. I am a cereal guy but with my cereal being a oat product ….. yup, if you have guessed I eat Oatmeal Squares from Quaker rather than there Oat meal!! Doesn`t really matter which one either between brown sugar or cinnamon but I tend to lean towards the cinnamon one more ….. Again this isn`t a product that we can get here in Japan and I am craving the shit out of it… I guess that is why I really wrote this quick article talking about Oat meals!!!




Oh, I just also seen and forgot about LIFE cereal also made by Quaker!!


Edited by Gaikoku-hito
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