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E is Gone. Both Sad and a Sign of Good Things Ahead


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The end of the E has finally became a reality. For one it is sad that a team I just joined will be gone next season as I love the GM. But on the other side, I do love the decision and that this will allow players to be with the initial M team a season or more longer. As someone new to the league building connections and not having too much constant change is really appreciated. Having the same locker room I feel will definitely help engagement and retaining of newer players. The other positive is I have one less draft scouting process I need to go through as my second season I had 4 drafts - E, L and two offseason tourney drafts which was really confusing. This also means the now the quality and effort of M GMs will be much more important to our league and the future and give them better resources to plan a longer than 1 season future. Hope this allows teams to not just tank a season and find ways to be more competitive over multiple ups and downs of the season.

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