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A Rambling of Thoughts - A Retirement and Recreate Edition


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A rambling of random thoughts as retirement looms ahead:


With retirement right around the corner I've come to the crossroads of do I recreate right away? Or do I take a break? Things in the real world have been a bit hectic. As some of you know Triller and I welcomed another future VHLer this year. This new change has taken some time away from being able to do point tasks ahead of time which I enjoyed doing previously. I find myself scrambling till the last minute to get something out. I've been finding the quality of my point tasks for graphics are not as up to par as I'd like them to be. Any articles I do, I will go through and edit but with my mind half functioning most of the time, my grammar edits tend to slip through the cracks. This has been due to time limitations and sleep deprivation. I don't think either will be slowing down anytime soon! Even so, I don't want to let my team down and I'd like my player to perform the best they can. So while my quality of work is down and things are being submitted at the last second, I'll continue to push through. “For the Horde!” Or I guess this isn't WoW so I should be saying “For the Wolves!”. 
Getting back on track to the first sentence of this rambling, recreating. I would like to recreate but I think I will need to take a break and then come back once I feel like I have more time to invest in the league. I like max earning and I don't really want to come back immediately to a new season as a welfare earner. Nothing wrong with being a welfare earner but personally if I start another player, I'd like to continue to max earn to get the most out of my player that I can. 
One of things I'll be looking forward to when recreating are the drafts. It's probably one of my favorite parts about the league. I enjoy watching it live and seeing most of the community come together to participate in the stream. Also the lively LR chats are fun to see while it happens. Even though I haven't been as active lately the social aspect of the draft and LRs are a big draw for me to the league. 
One of the hardest aspects I'm going to find when recreating is figuring out what the heck to name my player! Every video game I ever play I spend way too much time trying to figure out a name that works. With the VHL seasons lasting quite a while I find myself taking the name a little more seriously since I'll be stuck with it for a bit. 
I'm also already considering what position my recreate will be. I've been inspired by the likes of Jesse Teno and Lachlan Summers during my brief time in the VHL. Both are amazing Goalies with some serious skills that have me interested in trying out a Goalie next time around! My current player recently made the switch from a defenseman to a forward, so I think mixing it up to a position I haven't tried out yet as well would be fun.

Anyways that's all I've got for my current rambling. If you read through all this, kudos to you! Articles are not my strong suit so I commend you for getting through this tangled web of thoughts. 


Word Count: 583

Edited by Subject056
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  • Subject056 changed the title to A Rambling of Thoughts - A Retirement and Recreate Edition

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