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    The Victory ProAM is an off-season tournament that’s been run by fellow VHLers for over four years now. It had always been an unofficial tournament and it will remain an unofficial tournament but the VHL Gods have allowed us to share our tournament here on the forum. 

   This tournament is all about fun and inclusivity. Everyone from newcomers in the VHLM to experienced veterans in the VHL are allowed to sign up and join in on the fun! We run it every offseason with sign ups usually starting late in the playoffs. 

   Getting started is easy! Join our tournament server here: https://discord.gg/QR7TP7vr and then wait for the sign up post to be posted. It’s a google form that’s pretty straight forward and even gives you the option to express interest in being a GM. 

     GMs get to custom pick their team names dependent on our theme for that tournament and then the teams are selected through a draft. Any late comers join as free agents and can choose to join whichever team they’d like within the rules in place. 

     We are excited to be sharing the fun here on the forum and are looking forward to more members joining each season. 

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