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Well. This was an interesting week. Normally I use sim leagues as an escape from stress, but with Shevchenko's poor performance, that's not working as well as I'd like. Over two seasons with D.C., Shev had a 9.39 shooting percentage, while this season he's at 6.83. I've said before that I think he'll be much better next season, but it's frustrating to have such a setback season.


But why was this week interesting? Well, yesterday I learned that I can put up with a lot of bullshit, but when I snap, I snap back hard. After starting my day hearing a disgusting story about my boss's reaction to a serious situation, I then received an email with the job posting he wants me to apply for, the 11k demotion. I already felt like I was going to puke all over my desk from the story, so I walked out citing illness.


Then I went home and wrote an email to the county's HR director, as I am a state employee. I'm waiting on a response to that, but a former coworker who now works for the county offered to have a meeting with her as well to corroborate my account.


Then I went to the doctor and explained my situation, which she immediately described as extremely toxic, and she gave me a medical leave letter covering the next 2 weeks. Time I will spend looking for a different job. I'm even willing to move within a few hour radius, or to Canada. Maybe especially to Canada.


I know I'm going through a lot, and these entries are at least mildly therapeutic and self serving, so would it really be too goddamn much to ask for Shev to start scoring at his previous rate?

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