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Cunningham was not one to shy away from the fact that he was disappointed in the recent first-round elimination of the Miami Marauders. Even though Cunningham signed with the team very late into the season, and wasn't a major contributor to their overall success, but as a hard-working man from the hollers of West Virginia, he felt the weight of the loss heavily on his shoulders. "I definitely could have worked harder to be more prepared for some intense hockey, I could have had more presence on the ice," Cunningham said in a recent post on Miami's loss announcement. Despite this though, Cunningham was asked in a post-season press conference what he was looking forward to. Cunningham quickly said, "I really can't wait to get a full season under my belt. This is all so new to me, and I'm really enjoying it so far. My only hope is to be more of a contributor to my team, rather than a liability."

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