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Folves or Woxes?


I have waited a few days longer than I normally do to finish an article as I knew I wanted to either speak about the off-season and the trades or talk about the current marathon Pro Am draft that seems to be entering its third day; if I am correct. Also, still on going as I start writing but it has come to note by one of my colleges that Foxes look rather larger than the average fox should look.


The foxes drafted so far look much larger, bulkier and more built for running compared to what one would assume a typical fox would look like; Small, more delicate and agile with big ears, bushy tails and slim body. But these Foxes have short ears, broad snout and rather longer tails that seem to be very social comparisons to foxes’ solitary or small groups sizes.


That is when it became obvious that these were not Foxes but rather Wolves about to wear the colors and marking of foxes as the Foxes GM Lucy has clear infatuation with Wolves having drafted seven current or former wolves in seven picks that the foxes had in the Pro AM draft.



3rd overall: HOF Defender Brain Payne

8th overall: Center Pierre Marc Bouchard

13th overall: HOF Defender Pierre Emile Bouchard

18th overall: Defender Bollos de Trueno

23rd overall: Defender Erik Thorvaldsson

28th overall: Center Wann Kerr



This has made both myself and my college question why didn`t they just name the team: Flora Vista Wolves?



Flora Vista Foxes trying to pass wolves off in fox clothing!!


Edited by Gaikoku-hito
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