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Hello Seattle - Owl City


The ink has barely dried on the trade but it's happening:


Slava is going to go to Seattle.


There were some places I thought he might be going and while none of that quite turned out the way I was expecting, I'm not at all displeased for a simple and perhaps silly reason but hey, why not.


The reason is, I actually used to live about two hours north of Seattle until a couple years ago. I went down to see Seattle Sounders games when I could, went to Emerald City Comic Con and also went to some concerts at small venues with my cousin Jacob. I've been to Pike Place Market and Ye Olde Curiosity Shoppe and really enjoyed it. Seattle is a place that I loved, and now Slava will get to experience Seattle for himself. He's a nerd so he'll appreciate ECCC at the very least.


I'm glad to live where I do right now since my parents are older and are going to need more help but I'm very pleased that at least my character will get to be in a place I sincerely love, and I look forward to sharing some of that through my future dot coms and media spots.


(word count: 206)

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