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It's no secret that Wann Kerr has always been a bit of a bellend. Not only his opponents, but even his former teammates and fans could tell you that much. But it's been the ProAm that's really showed his true colors. Maybe he's just naturally turning even more grumpy with age, maybe it's the frustration from his absolute bust of a career, Kerr's not holding back - especially not when it comes to his own family.


The fact Alagsantere Grønvold doesn't see his adoptive father as his biggest hockey idol never sat well with Kerr. With his pride being hurt, he decided to punch back and hurt his adopted son in return. S96 was the first time Grønvold took part in the ProAm, being a part of the Candy Canes along with Brian Payne @Scurvy, his actual hockey idol and Kerr's former Vancouver teammate. You can imagine the excitement Santy was feeling, studying Payne's game up close. However, being an absolute insecure prick, Kerr sporting the Rayne Deer jersey decided to partake in a macho showdown with Payne and beat him up in front of Grønvold's eyes, before looking directly at Santy, pointing at bloodied Payne and shouting "this guy? Really?".


Rumors say there understandably hasn't been much contact between Kerr and Grønvold since the young defenseman moved to London. But Kerr decided he won't be forgotten and once again is taking part in the ProAm tournament, just like Santy is. One of Grønvold's Whalers teammates is Sadie St-Louis @sadie, a player briefly known to Kerr as they came from the same draft class. After seeing Santy blush when talking about his teammate in front of the camera, Kerr took it as a hint to let his jealousy take over and in the following Whalers vs. Foxes showdown decided to sucker punch Sadie and follow it with a cheap takedown, after retaliating Sadie lost a skate blade. During the "victory" lap, smirking Kerr blew a kiss Grønvold's way while passing the Whalers bench.


When there is a couple or a family always bickering, in Czech we tell them "I'd love to be a housefly on your wall", signaling that their fights are amusing. I'd definitely love to be a housefly in the Kerr household now. Sometimes in the sim leagues, the storylines are writing themselves. The "facts" that Grønvold is Kerr's adopted son and that Payne is Grønvold's favorite player and a hockey idol had been established in his Biography long before he took part in the ProAm. I swear there is some sort of hidden AI that's making Kerr do these things in simulations. Honestly, if they're both taking part in S98 ProAm and Kerr beats up Grønvold's teammate again, I'm quitting thr VHL because it's all obviously rigged.

Edited by VattghernCZ
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