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Hey everyone, 


To all of you, especially those active on Discord servers, I hereby express my sincerest apologies.


It appears that I have been hacked and sent scammy messages to basically everyone in my chats. I have no clue how that happened, but it seems that two-phased security shat its pants.


I apologise for spreading such nonsense, I will try to keep this shit off of our community.


I do, however, ensure you that my DC account is back in my hands. I just couldn't find out about this, let alone fix it right away, as I was really, really busy. 


Sorry guys, love y'all. 


- Mutti 

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6 hours ago, LucyXpher said:

It happens!  We still love you! 🙏🏻

Speak for yourself, Mutti is now no longer Løvstrøm's best friend for giving his computer the PC equivalent of an STD!

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17 minutes ago, Pifferfish said:

Speak for yourself, Mutti is now no longer Løvstrøm's best friend for giving his computer the PC equivalent of an STD!

Lovstrom is a piece of work...


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