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This Vhl.com article is all about xhekaj's middletoe's middle name. Xhekaj Xhektholomew XhekGOAT xhekty-dumpty-sat-on-a-wall Xhekgoat (but lowercase because it isnt an acronym, but is instead named after his universal cousin whom is a goat) Bernard Arber Xhekduck Xheki-wan Kenobi Xhek Vadar Xhekrear Xhekbear Xhekmurican Xheknadian Xhekpharmacist Xhekbot Xhekber Arbkaj ArbXhek berkaj Xhekaj's middle-finger Xhek[CENSORED] Xhek[CENSORED] (AGAIN wtf going on over there mr middletoe) Jack-and-Simona-ran-up-the-hill Middletoe, is Xhekaj Xhektholomew XhekGOAT xhekty-dumpty-sat-on-a-wall Xhekgoat (but lowercase because it isnt an acronym, but is instead named after his universal cousin whom is a goat) Bernard Arber Xhekduck Xheki-wan Kenobi Xhek Vadar Xhekrear Xhekbear Xhekmurican Xhekanadian Xhekpharmacist Xhekbot Xhekber Arbkaj ArbXhek berkaj Xhekaj's middle-finger Xhek[CENSORED] Xhek[CENSORED] (AGAIN wtf going on over there mr middletoe) Jack-and-Simona-ran-up-the-hill Middletoe's full name. He got bullied a lot, but as the xhekverse expands he keeps adding to his name to best represent his universal family. Many of these characters are yet to be introduced, but will be soon enough. 

Thank you for listening to Xhek into the xhekverse list of future and past characters / Middletoes Middlename. I will eventually get to them, however they will all be low quality and with maximum creativity and minimum effort. Can I trademark that? Jk pretty sure the modern "artists" already did that. (their creativity is found in the bs they peddle as meaning)

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