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S42 Should be a dandy


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The past couple seasons it seemed as though the playoffs were set before the season even began. However; that is not the case for S42 as some teams look to come out of their rebuilds while a couple power houses look to remain on top.

In the North American conference we have the record setting New York Americans who look to fourpeat the Victory Cup as the best regular season team. Then you have the Quebec Meute who should try and challenge the Americans for that top spot. Those two should be shoe ins. Seattle and Toronto are in pretty even stages of their rebuilds and they should be battling it out for that final spot.

In the European Conference we have Cologne and Helsinki who should finally shine and battle for that top spot with Riga entering into a rebuild. But here is where it really gets interesting. While the Reign have sold off a lot of their pieces, they still sit with a couple superstars and even some decent depth on their team. Stockholm and Davos look to compete coming out of their rebuild so they should be the ones battling for that final spot but stranger things have happened and you could have three teams in the mix for one spot.

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