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Claimed:VHL on TSN Panel [FINAL: 6/6]


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L to R: Mark Edmonds, Joel O’Donnell , Yannic Thibault, Peter Lindsay


Joel O’Donnell: Your host for the segment

Mark Edmonds: Former VHL defensemen turned analyst

Yannic Thibault: Former VHL forward and team mate of Edmonds

Peter Lindsay: Former VHL head scout and VHLM coach


Joel O’Donnell:


            Hello hockey fans and welcome to yet another highly anticipated as always edition of VHL on TSN. Today we turn our eyes to the minor leagues where a young Dutch boy as seemingly popped out of nowhere to land himself in the VHLM.


            Peter, what is your early read on Casper Salomon?


Peter Lindsay:


            Well, he sort of jumps out at you when you first look at him. A 6’3’’ almost 200 pound 17 year old isn’t all that common although not all that uncommon these days either. But he’s a good skater and he seems to have a knack for scoring. There isn’t a lot of tape of this kid but just looking at his list of accomplishments and they seem to hold some water.


            Now whether or not success in the Finnish Preparatory League will transfer over into the VHLM where there is clearly a jump in competition will remain to be seen but he’s certainly a guy to keep your eye on especially when next season comes around I think.


Joel O’Donnell:


            Yannic, a lot of different teams were out to grab Salomon once the scouting reports started coming through.  Who do you think would’ve been the best fit for Salomon and how exactly is he going to slot into the Blades line up where he ultimately ended up?


Yannic Thibault:


            Well the thing is with a young man like this, coming out a relatively quiet country in terms of hockey talent, he’s being pushed into the lime light a bit here so it’ll be interesting to see how he reacts. On top of that, he is quite an unknown and the only game footage we really have of him appears to have been filmed using a potato besides the games he’s suited up for Brampton so far. So really I don’t think it’s fair to make an assessment of who he might have fit in better with. I think getting him over to the VHLM could be a nice move, it may encourage more young players in the Netherlands to pick up the sport and really at this point I’m just rooting for this kid to play well and succeed in the VHLM and into the next level at the VHL.


Joel O’Donnell:


            Mark, what are your comments on that same question?


Mark Edmonds:


            I think Yanny makes some great points about just bringing him over. He seems to be a bit of a diamond in the rough but he’s definitely going to require a bit of polishing. Getting him over the VHLM was the best move for him in my opinion. It’s the best junior league in the world with the best junior aged players so testing himself against the best is going to go a long way in his development as a player moving forward.


Joel O’Donnell:


            Well Peter, since Yannic seems to like to ignore my questions I’m going to redirect this one at you. Where do you see Salomon slotting in with the Brampton Blades?


Peter Lindsay:


            Right now he’s simply a complementary piece on the roster. He’s going to see anymore from 10-16 minutes of ice time on a regular night because the team is just too deep at this point. The Blades are sitting 2nd overall in the league and are going to be aiming for a title this season so we’re not going to see him getting ice time over guys like Delicious, Faux, Teibert and such it just isn’t going to happen and it’s not a slight to the quality of player he is, but simply to where he is in his development.


            He’s suited up for four games for Brampton so far and the coaching staff really eased him in and he only saw the ice for about 7 minutes in each of the first two games but that’s to be expected when a young player joins a top team mid season. After that however in his next two games he was hovering around the 15 minute mark and he was even able to notch his first two goals in a 10-1 win over the Wild and he looked comfortable out there.


Yannic Thibault:


            I think bringing him into a situation where he could be a part of a winning team right away is huge though. Especially when you look at his past, he’s always been a winner so perhaps being in that environment will encourage even more so regardless of if he’s playing the minutes he wants to. Does that answer your question, Joel?


Joel O’Donnell:

            It'll certainly have to do, Yan because are out. of. time.


Well there you have it, folks. A little breakdown of Casper the Friendly Dutchman.


For Mark, Yan and Peter, I am Joel O’Donnell and this was the VHL on TSN panel!

Edited by Wilson
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Content: 3/3 - I like how you brought over the interview style you do in the SHL to the VHL, it shows some different viewpoints on an issue, that being the introduction of your player. Was definitely different talking points throughout the article, not just focused on size or playing ability or location, you incorporated everything.

Grammar: 2/2 - Very well done, the color coding makes the arguments and opinions easy to follow, flows really well. There are a few missed letters every 200 words or so, but nothing distracting to say the least. Great work

Appearance: 1/1 - Again,very professional layout. Picture header, a key to the color coding, a title, and bold font to show the colors clearly.

Overall: 6/6 


Would read again!

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