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Cake is the cousin of death


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During the season hockey players usually have to follow strict diets so they can play on a high level through the season.  Proper diet , rest , working hard and little bit of luck helps you to avoid injuries. Some hockey players don´t eat that well though. Or at least their diets don´t  sound like a professional athletes diet. We met Jorma Ruutu from Ottawa Lynx and asked about his diet:



Well usually when i wake up, i drink about 7 egg whites. Immediately after that i ram in few protein bars and hit the gym. After i come home from the morning practice , i usually eat some pasta or chicken. Desserts are important part of my daily food routine and i must admit that i love chocolate cake.


When you work this hard you can eat little bit of cake.. right?  Well , i don´t care. I eat cake pretty much every day. I make my own cakes now. I don´t want to start bragging but my chocolate cake is absolutely delicious.


Little bit cake doesn´t hurt anybody. I must admit his chocolate cake is delicious. 

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