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The Mighty Duck Staring Pablo Escabar


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Sometimes hockey player can get a little bored during the off season. This just so happened to Ottawa Lynx defense man Pablo Escabar. The off season was dragging on and there was not much to do other than party and relax. Things just so happened to turn around for Pablo very rapidly. One day when he was sitting on his porch enjoying a nice glass of lemonade, he received a phone call.  A movie director from Hollywood was on the other side of the phone and he was looking for specific people to star in his movie. The director was very interested in having Pablo star in this movie and wanted him to come and start right away. With no hesitation Pablo ran up stars and packed his bags to leave this was the opportunity of a life time. This was a great opportunity to stay busy and make a little extra cash to put in his pocket. As well as get him some off season practice time on the ice. With that being said the movie is 100% a hockey movie. It is the classic Mighty Ducks movies being reborn!


The film should hit theaters by July 11/2015. Stay tuned. 

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