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The Ghost of Bern [Final 6/6]


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BERN, Switz.- They say he's little more than a shadow, roaming the streets, halls, and ice rinks in the city of Bern at night, in search of the points he has been denied. Others say he is truly a real person, a citizen of Bern, who has been for so long forgotten by the world he has faded into the background of a city that once chanted his name in the streets. In either case, the legend of the man they call "Atticus Finch" was long forgotten by the beginning of the season, but strange happenings have occured to the point where the superstitious beliefs that the citizens once held have been revived. The other night, at the arena where the local hockey team, the "Bern Royals" play, his name reappeared above the locker where his things once stood, and even creepier than that, a few spectators reported they had seen a person who looked like him on the bench. 


According to the Royals, Atticus used to have a penchant for going missing, especially in the clutch. In fact, there was even an article written about it last season. But this time, It seems as though he has well and truly become a ghost on this earth. It used to be that he would go missing for games at a time, and although many people said they had spotted him on the ice for a second or two, he never made an impact anywhere in those periods. However, enough time has passed without him being seen that leading investigators say he has become one of the most elusive men in Bern. Labeled "The Ghost" by the people of Bern, searching for him has become a sport, and telling children about him has become almost like a fairy tale to the young ones.


Nothing has been heard from Atticus Finch since last season. When the Bern Royals GM and the rest of his players were reached for comment, there were a few different reactions, but the feeling was the same: none of them know who he is. The other day, a man claiming to be Finch came to the Hockeynews outpost in Bern, and offered to give an interview about the current season. However, because none of the reporters there knew who Finch was or believed him, they  declined on an interview. According to those reporters, he tried to claim that he was "A real hockey player, playing for the Bern Royals" and that "He wasn't a ghost, and tried to talk to plenty of people, its just that nobody cared to listen".He was also claimed to have stated that "every time I tell someone who I am, they don't believe me and say that I'm just a legend. I swear to god I'm a real person, please, someone's gotta listen to me. I'm going insane here". These words are obviously those of an impostor, and although they have no merit in an article and do not deserve to be printed here, I feel as though the type of insanity around the legend has grown so large that an example must be shown. At any rate, it seems as though this "Atticus Finch" is returning to hockey here in Bern, and so it will be watched with eager eyes for the rest of the season to figure out who the hell this guy is

Edited by JHS
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Content: 3/3- Great article, kept me very entertained. 


Grammar: 2/2- few mistakes. 


occured------> occurred


labeled-------> Labelled


hockeynews---> hockey news 


to finish the article you forgot the period. 


Appearance 1/1- Nice picture. Looks well spaced. 


Final 6/6

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