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Writing Stuff

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So I felt like writing some stuff but doing more stuff about stats is going to make my head asplode so I'm not going to do that. Instead I'm going to write about writing about stats because that is clearly so much better and more interesting for everyone to read. But, really, this is probably pointless to read for everyone out there - I do have something for you that will not be pointless to read.


Since joining the VHL Mag I've been writing the Hometown Heroes articles. It's been fun - except not really at all. It's kind of like writing a HOF article and we all know how long those take to get done. So imagine doing one every week and only getting one extra point as an incentive? Yeah, it sucks. So I decided I'm only going to write these for people who purchase them in the player store. I should tell YEAH to increase the price of it by a couple two tree million just to make sure as few people as possible buy the mag article and cover combo. Or just make it a cover so I don't have to write a bunch of stuff about you.


But what I'm doing when I don't have to write one of those laborious articles is a new thing called VHL By The NumbersI don't know how much everyone will like it but I have to bet more than one person per week (the person the article is about, and even that is questionable) will read it. It's basically a look at some interesting stats/numbers from around the league. I kind of just took it upon myself to do it so hopefully STZ is ok with it but if not, fuck him, I'm still taking my 7 points. So yeah, hope you guys read it and enjoy.

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