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Draft thoughts


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Draft day is tomorrow and my VHL futre will be left in the hands of those who have picks. I have no idea where I will actually end up but I have been contacted by a few clubs who have shown some interest. I also know that I may not be high on most peoples radars but that dose not slight me in the least. Where ever I am picked is just fine as I am in the company of some big name players and some very proven guys. My Canadian bloodline may move me up a position or two based on the history our fine country has of producing great hockey players. But you and I both no thats a load of BS. Bloodline has no real bearing on the true out come of one persons ability to excel at the VHL level. In closing I would just like to let any GM who maybe reading this and has any interest in me, that I would happily change my position to left wing.

Good luck all draftees and GM's, see you all tomorrow.

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