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Morgan catches up with VHL.com


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It’s interesting to think of how much growing Kasey Morgan will do in the VHL, just judging by his list of his on-ice accomplishments outside of the VHL.

VHL.com was able to catch up with the former Ohio State Forward after a few games playing for the Bratislava Watchmen in the VHLM. We were able to get his thoughts on his development, his temporary home, and eventually having his named called on Draft Day.

On The Watchmen:

“Being picked up by Bratislava is weird to say the least. It’s not easy playing for a team with a dead locker room, especially if you’re the type of player that feeds off of having chemistry with others. It’s hard to want to come into the arena everyday knowing everybody pretty much quit. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate the Watchmen. It’s just obvious that the team isn’t going anywhere any time soon. It’s the end of the season practically so it’s the perfect time to work on my game, right now I really don’t have too much to lose. I’m still going to come out with as much intensity as I can, play my game the way that I know I can play and hopefully show the VHL GMs I’m worth a selection come draft day.”

On His Development:

“I feel like I’m getting better every practice and every game. You might not see the results right away due to my situation here in Bratislava, but I promise you it’s there. I’ve got all of next season to show people why I can become the future of the VHL. I’m not really worried about sweating the small stuff, everything happens for a reason.”

On Sir William Covington III:

“He’s a character that’s for sure. I don’t think I’ve met anybody quite like him ever; he’s pretty vain not to mention self entitled. It’s just weird being around him. We’re teammates, but I openly avoid him off of the ice. Practices can be a bit interesting whenever he feels the need he’s too good for something, he’s always good about that during games and it’s a little frustrating. I don’t hate guy but it’s oblivious we’re focused on two different things. He’s focused on money and being royalty while I’m focused on Hockey. I wish the guy luck in his career, I really do. I just can’t really let his shenanigans be a focus of mine, I’m here to make it into the VHL so I can make use of the opportunity, and hopefully have a decent career.”

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