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Sir William Covington III buys a...


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ISLAND! yes you read that right, the so called rightful king of England has bought an island in the Caribbean. Why? because he has the money and the ego to do so. He right away has hired contractors to start developing a high end town/city on the island complete with three ocean side Casino/resorts that will costs billions of dollars to build. William a self made billionaire has the money to fund such a project and he should be able to make back his money and then some once the casino/resorts open for business.


But the question remains why would he sink so much money into a project when he could just invest in something that has a quicker return. But the answer maybe much easier then most people think. When the purchase of his own island he can make his own laws and his own government. Basically making his own place to be the king of. Till England finally admits that he is the rightful king of England of course.


We have no idea what to expect from this island but all we know that one of the resorts will be modeled after a castle and not "gay like Excalibur in Las Vegas" but it will be a fully functioning Castle and Casino. Also a hotel will be on the grounds but not attached to the castle. There is no doubt that this castle resort will be the crown jewel of the island. Pun intended.


Plans also show for a exact replica of the White House to be built on the island so William can rule over his people there. Not to mention a 26,000 seat sports and entertainment venue that will have the capabilities of bringing hockey to the Caribbean.

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