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It´s been a hectic last few weeks for me personally. I was promoting and organizing a little protest for the all-star event, but it all had to stop since I was actually nominated to be a captain for one of the teams! I of course made sure no silly protests are going on when it´s my time to shine, so I hired few hundred guards to patrol the streets close to the arena. All went well, not sure what really happened during the game, but no news about any fights or the protests in general so I assume everything went well.


Something most of the people might not know is that there is a lot of media work around the whole all-star event. I had to do like five interviews and I even visited a radio show! Can you believe that? Who listens to radio anymore? I guess some people do since I got feedback from my appearance, somebody could not understand what I was saying while talking in the radio. Quite rude thing to say if you ask me. It´s part of the business and to be fair, I´m already used to it.  


Overall the all-star game experience was fun and I even learned few things even though my team lost the actual game.

Edited by jRuutu
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