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Lee King Snatch [Reviewed]


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Lee King Snatch


Height: 6'4''

Weight: 220 lbs

Position: Defense

Handness: Left

Hometown: Flin Flon, Saskatchewan


Life’s Journey:


Born to immigrant parents, Harry Snatch and No Pah King Snatch who landed in the Flin Flon area in the 1970s, Snatch was introduced into hockey in large part of his parent’s attempts to assimilate to the Canadian culture. Growing up in a small town hockey hotbed of Flin Flon, Lee King Snatch was on the ice at a very early age, due to the fact there were outdoor rinks and frozen rivers and lakes all over town. Snatch and his father were on the ice every night after work to the wee hours of the night from the age of four. Snatch didn’t jump right into the world of organized hockey like many youngsters do in Canada, instead Snatch waited until the age of ten before joining up with minor hockey in Flin Flon. Snatch started his minor hockey career as a forward and it wasn’t until a minor league coach recognized his great skating ability that Snatch was moved to the blue-line, a move that has stuck with the young man to this present day. Snatch moved through the ranks of the Saskatchewan minor hockey system until the time came for him to make the jump to a more competitive style of hockey.


Junior Years:

Image result for flin flon bombers

After moving through the house leagues throughout Saskatchewan and Manitoba, Snatch was looking for more of a challenge to show and hone his skills. Snatch attended an open tryout call from his hometown Flin Flon Bombers to expose himself to a higher level of competition, as the league is open to junior age players up to the age of twenty. After a grueling week of early morning and late nights, Snatch finally got the news from team management to be ready to done a Bombers sweater for the upcoming season, the chance had finally come for the opportunity that Snatch had been striving for since he laced up his first pair of skates. After playing the entire season with the Bombers, his strong play was noticed by the Western Hockey League. Snatch was added to the list of draft eligible players, and low and behold the Brandon Wheat Kings came calling in the third round of the WHL Bantam Draft. For the first time since he started playing hockey, Snatch would have a totally different experience, as he was moving away from home to continue his professional hockey career. His first season away from home wouldn’t be looked back upon as a successful one right off the bat, but the first year building on and off the ice would do wonders for the kid going forward. During his sophomore season in the WHL with Brandon, Snatch made huge strides in his overall game. After missing the playoffs for the first time in twelve years, the entire city of Brandon was expecting bigger things from the Wheat Kings in the 2013-2014 season. Snatch did his best to hold up his end for the team by putting up great offensive numbers, with eleven goals and thirty-three assists in sixty-six regular season games. Snatch and the Wheat Kings would eventually be knocked out of the playoffs by the eventual WHL champions, but the season would set the table for what was to come in two season’s time. Snatch just finished his junior eligibility with the Wheat Kings this past season, and no one could have written a better script for a finish to a chapter of a story. Snatch and the Wheat Kings cruised through the regular-season on their way to first place in the Eastern Conference. Snatch put up career numbers in his last season in the WHL, putting up seventy-one points while playing in all seventy-two games. Snatch continued on his career year through the twenty-one games the Wheat Kings played in the WHL playoffs, putting up six goals and eight assists, while helping the Wheat Kings lift the Ed Chynoweth Cup as the league champions. Snatch and the Wheat Kings couldn`t carry the pace into the Memorial Cup and the team bowed out of the tournament after the round robin concluded. Although Snatch and his teammates feel short of their ultimate goal, the season was a roaring success, which gave Snatch something to carry forward as he looks for the next chapter of his hockey career.

Image result for brandon wheat kings


:vhlm:The Next Best Step Forward::vhlm:


With his WHL eligibility behind him, Snatch was looking at many different avenues to best continue his hockey career. After having the best year of his life career wise, Snatch though about tolling his craft in Europe in one of the many highly competitive men`s leagues, but the thought of being that far away from home didn`t tickle the fancy of Snatch. After playing the past three years in the WHL and thanks to the great education program the WHL offers to former players, Snatch had the ability to head to a Canadian University to continue his hockey career, as well as receive a great education. It looked as though he was leaning that way until he received a phone call from a man who identified himself as Conner Low. After a series of phone calls and meetings explaining the player agency and the league they typically deal with, Snatch found himself looking at a somewhat unknown league called the Victory Hockey League. Known more for its run and gun offensive style of game, Snatch was leery at first to commit to the league given his current style of play. With the player agency that represents Snatch winning a lottery within the VHL to allow two controlled players in the league at once, Snatch had plenty of time to get himself in shape to play with the big boys. Now that the trade deadline has passed in the VHL, Snatch finally made his intentions to join the league official, with the next step being a short lived stint on the VHL waivers until he signs his first professional VHL contact.


:vhl:The Next Eight Years:vhl:


Where will he go from here many may ask, and from what we have heard Snatch intends to step the next eight seasons of hockey playing in the Victory Hockey League. Many players before him have had the same dreams, but the questions remains, does Snatch have what it takes to make it to the top


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On 8/15/2016 at 11:22 PM, Smarch said:

the chance had finally come for the opportunity that Snatch had been striving for

Found this to be a little confusing.


On 8/15/2016 at 11:22 PM, Smarch said:

low and behold

"lo and behold"


On 8/15/2016 at 11:22 PM, Smarch said:

done a Bombers sweater

don a Bombers sweater


Nice job with the biography. I think you're the first to submit a bio for the 2nd player.  I only noticed the issues above but nothing that detracted from the overall bio. Love the names of his parents lol

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