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A New Breathe of Life For P.Komarov


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It has been a disapointing year for Pavel, he expected despite the lesser talent. With the bigger role, and hard work would all finally pay off. However it hasnt, and he was seen at the gym less he seemed depressed. 


Davos GM Vlad Komarov himself, did not seem the same. Nobody really knew why, however both have been seen around more. Pavel seems to have really grown, his focus is now even better than ever. He looks bigger, hitting more many confused him for his father.


Well their absence has been noted no one really knows why or where they went. Both father and son however, seem to have a new breathe and both focused on trying to turn Davos around once again. Expect to see alot of Komarov in the coming seasons. Davos may be down for now but dont expect it to be for very long. We bleed Davos purple!!

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