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The Big Sweds got game


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Bratislva may be eliminated, and the talk of the S53 draft has already begun. Lidstroms name seems to not be spoken, everyone brings up the obvious players but Lidstroms name is rarely mentioned. However should it have been? The Swed finished 4th in scoring from the back end and second on his team despite starting late in the year. Its weird thing to mention when you remember he comes from the goon agency. No player has ever pushed the offenssive side of the game from them, not till now. 


Sure Pavel has a very good offensive game himself, but he doesnt pride himself on it like Lidstrom. He is quietly developing a very underratted two way game. He likely will sit around the mid ranged prospects in most peoples eyes, but he hopes he can start to turn some heads with his play. The playoffs were his coming out party, it will be interesting to see who in the VHLM took notice of his play. Only time will tell to see where he goes, but he is excited to see how it all plays out.

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