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Claimed: Mute Kronos


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Thursday - 10:17 PM - Toronto


"I may not be the role model that this league wants, but I am the one that it needs."


My voice echoes from wall to wall, despite the hundred or so reporters sitting directly in front of me. Despite the shuffling of their papers and the snaps of their cameras, I am surrounded by silence. The microphone directly in front of me gives me a power that not many people get to experience...I am the center of attention. After an 8-2 ass whooping of the Toronto Legion, I should be. I contributed five points to the win. I've been told that's a lot.


"If I haven't made it very clear with the past few weeks of interviews I have given, I apologize. From where I am sitting, it looks like I have done a thorough job of describing my life style change to all of you and why I have decided to come back to the VHL to spread the word. Yet all of you sit there with open eyes but closed ears. You can hear me, but are you really hearing me."


Fools. Their souls stand at the edge of a cliff, ready to jump at any moment and all they care about is their own damn jobs. 


" With each point that I was able to produce on that ice tonight, I could see thousands of people opening their arms to me. Did your fancy little cameras catch it? It's not going to be on the front page of the papers or on the highlight reel for ESPN, but I promise you it happened. People are starting to listen to me out there. They don't watch from afar like the majority of you do in this room. You're nothing but sheep. They've decided to open their hearts to me because I am good at hockey. Little do they know it, but they are allowing me to save them from their own little personal hell when they do so. I don't care to talk about the game, I care about making it known that I am finally making a difference on this world. I can feel my followers growing with each and every day passing, yet when I command for open arms none of you take me seriously."


The media can judge, but they are the ones that need saving the most. They walk the path of the fragile and the uninformed. When no story presents itself, they make one out of nothing. They decide to turn a small detail into a large scandal, allowing themselves to reap the benefits of the increased attention. They seek attention likes the whores of old did. They need me the most.


"I can feel the energy in the room. You all think I'm crazy or some sort of story that is going to help you catch your big break. This isn't a fallacy. This is not a scheme. Everyone in this room is currently damned to spent their after life in a place of suffering. I can be the one to help you make sure that doesn't happen. The Book of Kronos is being written and it will give guidance to those whom are unable to hear my words as they happen. Religion is dead and I am now the only source of light that this world has. I must make you all realize that. Now if I could get everyone to close their eyes and think about how you want to spend the rest of your days in your vessel. Do you want them to have purpose? Do you want to do something for the greater good, so that future generations do not have to endure the suffering you have? Welcome me into your hearts. Allow my words to flow through your veins and I promise you, I can make things better. Now raise your arms above your head and open yourself to me physically. Let me save you."


No eyes are closed in the room. No arms are raised above their heads or opened to welcome me. It seems I am too late. They are lost.



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