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Re-tool and Re-focus


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Coming into the season I really wanted Daring Do to be a strong physical presence first so as to contributed defensively to her team's success and kind of have scoring as a secondary component of her game, but that's kind of shifted. I was putting points in the usual suspects (skating, defense, etc) to make sure she'd be able to keep up, and by the time I was done getting those where I wanted them to be I kind of realized she was already hitting more than her teammates. And you know what, that's good enough for me. So now Daring Do is going to try to catch Gabriel McAllister's goal total. Well, not really - let's be honest, that's completely impossible. But because of Saskatoon's lack of shots recently, it seems that trying to get her to start scoring more could be a huge help to the team, and would probably make her more interesting as a player (more two-dimension and Evander Kane-like, rather than just someone who hits all the time and shoots occasionally). Plus that would probably also make her more fun to build. Personally I'm looking forward to seeing how the rest of this season goes for her, here's hoping Saskatoon can pick up a cup!

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