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Ko Kane was recently spotted at a Las Vegas Aces home game. He had his own VIP box while taking in the game. There is no word as to why he was at the game but it sure as hell was not to sign with the team. Ko Kane still refuses to play in the VHLM. But after the game he talked to the press about the game experience. “I will not tell you why I was here. I may have been to laugh at the league or maybe it was to taken in a game of hockey. I love hockey and I love Las Vegas. It’s a shame they play in the VHLM. The attendance and general fan interest seems to be way down this season. Why is that? I’m not saying it’s the new GM’s fault. It’s clearly the leagues fault. They need to stop stabbing themselves in the heart with a knife expecting not to die, because one of these times they will. I would love to stay and chat about his shitty league but I have bigger and better things to do. Like running the world’s biggest cartel. Till next time fuckers. Peace the fuck out”


For V2A

Edited by BobertZ
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