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Stalled development


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Komarov hit a bit of a slow spot, hes been showing up to the gym. However it has not been as hard as we have come to expect from the young russian. There are some, that suspect a potential injury could be in play. Perhaps a pulled muscule, holding him back from furthering his development. 


Komarov is off to a good start with 31 points, well placing in the top 10 faceoff circle. All this as a rookie, if he can keep this mojo up he can be in the conversation for rookie of the year. Which he should have a good case, for at this point in the season. Right now its a 4 horse race, Sheppard being the worst odds, Komarov, Jones, and Keller all have strong cases for the award. Jones could be the man ahead despite being third in scoring, hes a defender who generally dont always rack up points early on.

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