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Last night in the game against Calgary I dropped the gloves for the 2nd time this year. Jake Schaal and I were face to face after a whistle, stroking his bottom lip with his tongue while keeping eye contact, Jake asked if I wanted to go? I was naturally interested in the offer and did not take too long for the action to start. My supernatural ability to avoid getting punched in the face worked like a charm again, I faked and threw a nasty right uppercut on Jakes jaw and he went down. Luckily I managed to keep hold of of his jersey while he was falling down, so he did not hit his head on the ice. I´m a gentleman like that.


Both got 5 minutes for the fight and Jake was up right away somehow, so he was able to continue playing in the game after the fight.


The fight victory improved my fights won total from 1 to 2. I have now won both of my fights so far in the season. Will be interesting to see who decides to come after me next, many are interested, but only few have actually dropped the gloves. If I´m completely honest, I´m liking the fact that I´m not sitting on the penalty box so much this year, cant really help your team from the penalty box after all!

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