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What to expect from Tigertank Willams


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Most people are looking at my second player as a good thing. After all im more active than ever, Sergei has been a beast. However Tigertank Willams will be a welfare player, and a pure enforcer. 


I do not plan on having him become anything more, with Komarov being an elite player i felt now worked to be the best time to have a pure role player. Ive wanted to build a true goon since i joined. With Tigertank Willams that will be possible. If you are to draft me next season dont expect that too change. Know what you are getting, he will also take a back seat to Komarov which means when im burnt out and need welfare Komarov will come first. 


That being said i hope to be a great enforcer for many seasons to come. Seems im already off to a good start with 4 PIMs, and a few hits in 2 games.



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