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When the VHL site was down for bit over the weekend, I had to find something else to do instead of looking at my player page and thinking how much the scouts will love me when I get to show what I can do on the ice next season. I struggled at first, what is there to do on a Saturday or Sunday - what people usually do? I started to think if there is anything I should do around the apartment, maybe clean the place? But I already cleaned the place couple days earlier, so I moved on to the computer and to watch various videos that Youtube kindly recommended to me, I quickly got slightly bored while watching videos like Top-10 worst VHL draft picks and Who has the worst looking cheerleaders in VHL?


The worst looking cheerleaders video was not so bad if I´m honest. When I was done, I went to sit on the couch in my living room, picked up a book that I found while cleaning the place days earlier, surprisingly few pictures even for a book, so I put it down moments later. Then it hit me, I almost sat down and read a book?! Can you imagine, what if I forget to do something crucial on the ice, because that information is deleted by whatever I learn while reading? Cant take those risks, not yet at least - not even drafted yet.

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