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Another random rumblings.


If you really expecting some good articles from me - this is not the case. I'm not in mood to do that.


So, let's see what happens in VHL now. Riga was supposed to fight for the first pick, instead we're beating Quebec on consistent basis and is a 100% 6th team in this league. Last week's three stars consisted of only Riga players. I guess, I'm really good a sneak IFA picks as Pablo really helps us to suprise a couple of teams. It will be even more great if we're ending up with the first pick.


But now about VHLM. Yukon has problems lately and Centis can't even score? Trash ass games. I need these AT points, and these kind of games are questionable from STHS. and fuck Oslo as well.


Nothing much to say. Waiting when I'm gonna get well because all this coughing and runny nose on summer kinda pisses me off. The World Cup lost another big team, but Spain deserved that loss with their weak ass offense. Croatia and Denmark can't finish this match as well. Oh dear. Thought Croatia would win easily...yeah right. My pick'ems are fucked now.


2 TPE goes to Centis.

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